A Clean Vape Tank Is A Working Vape Tank

A Clean Vape Tank Is A Working Vape Tank

Vaping is an incredibly pleasurable and relaxing experience, but if your vape tank isn't properly maintained, this experience can easily be ruined. Experienced vape enthusiasts know that the key to a satisfying vape is a clean and well-maintained device.

Of all the components that make up your device, perhaps the most important one in terms of maintenance and cleanliness is the tank. A tank that's dirty and caked with gunk is going to result in a bad-tasting vaping experience. Plus, the device's ability to produce adequate vapor will be severely compromised.

Vape tanks get dirty from e-liquid residue which leaves a gunky film on the inside of the tank. It should be noted that this gunk is not hazardous to your health, and is mostly made up of the sweeteners used to flavor e-liquids. 

Over time, this gunk builds up and, when combined with new e-liquid, negatively impacts the flavor. It also blocks the atomizer from functioning at its full capacity, leading to a much weaker hit. 

A poorly-maintained tank can also become the home to many germs as well, making it easy for you to get sick. Small amounts of our saliva make their way through the mouthpiece and into the tank, becoming a prime haven for germs and viruses. Therefore, cleaning your tank regularly and properly is a vital part of being a responsible vape enthusiast.

The good news is that cleaning your tank's very easy and does not take a lot of time. If you vape daily, each night before you go to bed you should remove the tank and the atomizer and soak them in either vodka or water for a half hour. Then, allow the pieces to dry on a paper towel before reattaching them the next morning. If the gunk is stubborn and doesn't want to release, place the pieces in running water until the gunk is rinsed out. Never wash the pieces of your device with soap or chemicals as these can be very dangerous to inhale, plus they will create an unpleasant taste.

You should thoroughly clean out your tank each time you replace your coil, as well. The coil is prone to lots of e-liquid buildup which will get into the tank. Plus, a dirty tank will cause the wick of your new coil to burn out much more quickly.

The reality is that, as vapers, you have to commit to regular maintenance of your device. Though this process may seem tedious at first, it's completely worth it. A clean tank will lead to an extremely pleasurable vaping experience. Your e-liquid will taste more flavorful and you will be able to take fuller hits.

Dec 19th 2016 Vapecentric

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